Education Department

“To restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his creation might be realized—this was to be the work of redemption. This is the object of education, the great object of life.”
– Ellen White

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The educational ministry of the Gulf States Conference currently encompasses 15 schools and Childhood Centers in three states, including Bass Memorial Academy.  These 15 institutions provide the youth in our conference an opportunity to obtain an education that connects them to both excellence in academics and the message of salvation in Jesus Christ!

Our schools are part of the Adventist Edge initiative of the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and aligned with the North American Division’s Journey to Excellence.


The Adventist EDGE is the Southern Union’s initiative for the comprehensive improvement of Adventist education, from Early Childhood through grade 12 and sets the course for excellence in all areas.  It focuses on the implementation of the Journey to Excellence goals and essential core elements that identify the high expectations of what students should know and be able to do, and the preferred practices that support an effective ongoing school improvement process.


Our philosophy is to meet the needs of the whole child, Adventist EDGE teachers honor the natural cycle of learning. The natural cycle begins by connecting with the child’s experience, moving on to provide information and practice finally culminating with a celebration of new learning.  In keeping with the Seventh-day Adventists philosophy of encouraging students to be “thinkers and not mere reflectors of other men’s thoughts”, Adventist EDGE teachers follow a constructivist philosophy*. This encourages students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to expand their knowledge and enhance their understanding of the world. Dialogue and collaboration are crucial to the process. In Adventist EDGE classrooms, children talk about what they are doing and reflect on how their understanding is changing.
*For a clearer understanding of constructivism, see:


Key to Adventist EDGE classrooms is the pervasive element of genuine Christianity. The curriculum is infused with Christian values and students receive daily encouragement in their personal walk with Jesus. EDGE students exemplify concern for others by participating in community out-reach projects and other faith building activities.

The EDGE teacher seeks to instill in each student a sense of their value as a child of God and inspire them to treat others with respect. Spirituality is not limited to the teaching of Bible, but integrated into the entire curriculum.

Building on a strong spiritual foundation, Southern Union educators will guide students to:

  • Love God

  • Share the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

  • Have effective interpersonal relationships

  • Be responsible citizens

  • Live healthy, balanced lives

  • Develop to their fullest intellectual potential

  • Communicate effectively

  • Use effective personal management skills

  • Appreciate beauty, nature and fine arts from a Christian perspective

  • Be of service to God and man

Hoover Christian School Orientation Day

Education Department Team

Scott Bowes
Superintendent of Education
334.272.7493 x106

Kelsey Abbott
Education Assistant
334.272.7493 x105

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