Balancing Priorities: Making Time for God's Provision in Our Lives

Published on November 1, 2023

By Ruwie Vazquez-Juarez
Assistant to the Stewardship Department

Have you noticed how difficult life suddenly becomes when you decide to make constructive changes?

The plan is set, you have strategically prepared your meal and workout schedule. Unexpectedly, out of “nowhere,” someone gifts you a box of your favorite chocolates. The following day, endless meetings arise at work and you miss your gym session.

In Stewardship, we often refer to the 7 T’s –

  1. Time
  2. Temple
  3. Talents
  4. Treasure
  5. Trust
  6. Theology and
  7. Testimony

Focusing on the first: time.

We are all limited to the same 24-hour period, yet many of us seem to not find the proper balance to implement some, or any, of the 7 Ts.

God desires that we seek Him first [Matthew 6:33] and promises to provide for all our needs. Philippians 4:19 tells us, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Did you catch that? Every need – spiritual, mental, physical, financial -- will be supplied by our Heavenly Father!

My question for you (and me too) is, are we placing God first in our lives today?

If possessions, people or occupations are controlling our time, let's re-examine and surrender them to God. I am sure we won’t regret it.