Adventist Christian Academy, a Pre-K through 8th grade school, is currently accepting applications for the position of Principal. The school is located in Panama City, a city in northwest Florida known for its coastal charm, history, arts & culture, and outdoor activities. The school is only about 10 minutes away from the beach. Adventist Christian Academy is looking for a dynamic and visionary leader to collaborate with an engaged school board in the goal of expanding the school into a junior academy, and eventually a full Pre-K through 12th grade institution. The Principal is accountable for the overall day-to-day administration and operation of Adventist Christian Academy so as to ensure the optimum fulfillment of its mission and mandate, in accordance with the administrative and educational policies of Adventist Christian Academy, the Gulf States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and the associated laws and regulations of the State of Florida. Applicants must have a strong desire to mentor young people and a willingness to serve others. This is a full-time, salaried position that includes teaching a limited number of classes, but the ideal candidate will dedicate a significant portion of their time each week to strategic planning and envisioning the future direction of the school.
Employees of Adventist Christian Academy should be faithful, practicing members of the Seventh-day Adventist church whose life and habits have a positive influence in leading students to Jesus. These employees will be passionate about Adventist Education and will support the mission of Adventist Christian Academy at all times. For more information about the school, please visit:
For a detailed job description, please click the Job Description button below. To apply, download the application form by clicking the Application Form button.
Applicants should have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in education with an elementary endorsement (Junior Academy endorsements would also be desired). Applicants should possess, qualify for, or be willing to take the necessary coursework to receive NAD certification. Multi-grade experience in an Adventist school is preferred. Salary and benefits are based on the denominational wage scale and policy.
If interested in being considered, please send a cover letter, completed application form, and a current resume with 3-5 references (including your last two employers) with email addresses and phone numbers to Kelsey Abbott, Education Assistant (
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