Special Constituency

Legal Notice of a Special Constituency Meeting

Bass Memorial Academy Legacy Endowment

The Bass Memorial Academy Legacy Endowment will award scholarships annually to high school students from the Gulf States Conference, offering them the opportunity to attend an accredited Seventh-day Adventist boarding academy in another conference.  Each recipient will receive a scholarship of $5,000 per year ($2,500 per semester).  A total of 50 scholarships will be available each year.

If you're interested in attending a Seventh-day Adventist boarding academy next year, please download and complete this application form (pdf) and send it to Kelsey Abbott at kabbott@gscsda.org or mail it to:

Gulf States Conference Office of Education
P.O. Box 240249
Montgomery, AL 36124

Town Hall Meeting Video

Summary of Executive Committee Meeting and Decisions Regarding Bass Memorial Academy