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Mar 01

Backpacking Teen Invitational

Published on January 22, 2024

  • Everyone (adults & minors) who plans to attend must  be REGISTERED  & fill out the Activity Consent Form and bring it with you to the event.
  • Minors' forms must be signed by parent or legal guardian.
  • There are no restrooms or showers available. Drinking & cooking water will need to be taken from the creek & will need to be purified.
  • Permits are not required for this area. 
  • Please remember that this is a conference sponsored TEEN event. This means that only teens with their respective chaperones should be in attendance. No other children are allowed. Chaperones should be limited to only what is needed for your group size and male/female mix.


Fee  $5 per person


Talladega National Forest in Talladega


  • Activity Consent Form
  • Backpack (can be rented at select sporting good stores)
  • Sleeping bag (a warm sleeping bag & insulated sleeping pad)
  • Tent (waterproof)
  • Hiking boots
  • Clothes (warm clothes to layer are best)
  • Tarp(s) & Rope (to tie to trees to cover your tent)
  • Poncho or Rain coat
  • Food (and a way to cook it)
  • First-Aid supplies (Band-Aids, Neosporin, etc.)
  • Small spade or shovel (to bury human waste) There are no toilets or outhouses
  • Toilet paper
  • Water purifier or water purification tablets
  • Water bottle or Canteen (to hold water after purification)
  • Flashlight (extra batteries)


Please remember that this is a conference sponsored TEEN event.  This means that only teens 13+ with their respective chaperones should be in attendance.  No other children are allowed.  Chaperones should be limited to only what’s needed for your group size and male/female mix. Each participant must have a signed Activity Consent Form. Turn in this form at the safety briefing.

Activity Consent Form
Schedule: March 1 @ 2:00 pm - March 3 @ 11:00 am