Pr Tiana Rabearison's Ministry Affirmed Through Ordination

Published on November 11, 2023

On November 11, 2023, Pr Tiana Rabearison, was ordained as a minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, while surrounded by family, friends, former and current church members as well as community members.

Gulf States Conference President Pr Brian Danese acknowledged the value of Pr Tiana’s impact in the Conference saying, “We’re thankful for Pr. Tiana and his ministry here. He’s served five years here in this district, and we now celebrate his ordination.”

Director of Ministerial Pr Josue Murillo reiterated this message saying, “In our conference we’re blessed by having amazing pastors. Today we had the opportunity to acknowledge the ministry of Pr Tiana. It is a privilege for us to acknowledge this pastor who has served our Conference for the past 5 years. Today, it’s time to celebrate.”

Recognizing the significance of the day, Pr Tiana expressed his thankfulness for the immense support he received saying, “I’m very grateful this day because God has done something amazing for me and my family. He has called and affirmed it today through this ordination ceremony. Thank God, and I cannot thank him enough.

It’s a special day and a special experience, not only the Gulf State Conference leadership have been here to perform this ceremony of ordination, represented by Pr. Brian Danese and Pr. Josh Murillo, and family, but also the church families from the two church districts, The Ridge Clinton, MS and Vicksburg, MS. They all have come here to support. Even the churches from College Drive in Jackson, MS and Roebuck, AL. People, even non-SDA members, have come here because of the prior connection God has opened.

I am thanking God and praising him for what he has done here.”