President's Message: October 2023

Published on November 1, 2023

As October was Pastor Appreciation Month, it allowed me to pause and reflect on my days of pastoring when I would have to leave my family and be out early in the morning or return home late at night. I even remember staying behind at church to minister to the church members after my family had already made their way back home on Sabbath. And this is just a small taste of what our pastors experience as they carry out their ministries.

There are so many things our pastors in the Gulf States Conference do, many of which go unseen.

To our pastors, we understand how much you love your churches and sacrifice for them. We know you are making an impact in the lives of your church members and on those who are still getting to know the Lord. Pastors, we feel blessed to have you serving in our territory.

And to my fellow family members of the Gulf States Conference, I would like to invite you to continue to express your appreciation for the shepherd God has given your congregation as an overseer.

We pray to continue to see God’s movement in each of our local churches and communities.