The GSC Life Tour and Digital Church Meetup 2023

Published on September 30, 2023

The GSC Life Tour and Digital Church Meetup, hosted by Cody Road Seventh-day Adventist Church was a joint initiative between several local churches, various young adults and the Digital Church of the Gulf States Conference (GSC) to reach young adults and encourage churches to bring them along.

According to Pastor Abraham Acosta-Newbold, pastor of the Cody Road SDA Church, the event was “wonderfully filled with spiritual celebrations.”

On the morning of September 30, 2023, there was a special Young Adult Emphasis Sabbath with young adults participating in a question-and-answer panel about burnout and "how to thrive and not survive" as well as a time for young adults to share their testimonies.

Pr. Marcelo Mansur, director of Young Adult Ministries and Pr. Josh Murillo, VP for Ministerial at Gulf States Conference, shared a message based on I Timothy 4:12, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you're young...", emphasizing the calling every young adult has to share the gospel.

The afternoon was spent together with leaders of the Digital Church of the Gulf States Conference and with leaders and members from the Cody Road, Panama City, Fair Hope and Laurel SDA Churches.

Under the direction of Daniel Claudet, director of the Communication Ministry at GSC, the Digital Church recorded several worship videos to share around the GSC territory and the world.

In the end, the object of this special event was realized as young adults gathered together for encouragement from several neighboring churches and spent a special Sabbath together as a church family.