Bass Memorial Academy Students Encouraged to Live Fearlessly in Jesus during Week of Prayer

Published on September 24, 2023

At Bass Memorial Academy, students’ spiritual growth is central to the school’s mission, and Academy staff are dedicated to fostering students’ personal relationships with Jesus in everything they do. Week of Prayer, which takes place three times each academic year, is a vital part of this commitment.

The first Week of Prayer of the year on September 24-29, had the theme of “Fearless," based on 2 Timothy 1:7. This theme will stretch beyond the Week of Prayer and will guide the spiritual direction for the school throughout the academic year.

The guest speaker, Pastor Michel Rodriguez, youth director of the Gulf States Conference, inspired staff and students with his insightful messages each evening. Students also played a special role in making the week memorable as they led out in worship music.

Throughout the week, staff and students created special prayer moments to mark the spiritual journey the students were taking.

At the beginning of the week, students wrote their prayer requests on paper lanterns that they released, symbolizing their prayers being lifted to their Father in heaven. During the week, the student-led Campus Ministries team placed encouraging notes on each dorm room door, creating a spiritual atmosphere that flowed throughout the campus. At the end of the week, students had the opportunity to have various staff members pray with them for their specific needs.

The Week of Prayer was a transformative experience that ended with an appeal and a special time of prayer that encouraged students to live fearlessly in their identity in Jesus, while placing Him first in everything they do.