Hispanic Youth Encouraged, "Don't Give Up!"

Published on November 10, 2023

Each year, youth from around the Gulf States Conference gather to fellowship and grow in faith at the FEJA (Federación de Jóvenes Adventistas) or Federation of Adventist Youth gatherings.

The theme of this year’s FEJA event, held over the weekend of November 10-12, 2023 at Oakwood Latino Adventist Church in Huntsville, AL, was “Don’t Give Up!” This was tied together with the concept of the FEJA Champions League, allowing for comparisons of fútbol and life and how lessons of  perseverance, resilience and faith can be learned from them.

Guest speaker, Pr Gustavo Squarzon, took attendees on a journey through the Bible, beginning with the story of the calling of Simon Peter as described in Luke 5 to illustrate what it looks like to persevere. He illustrated how Jesus, as a carpenter, called his disciples, professional fishermen, to trust Him by doing something unconventional that went against the accepted norms of their day and experience. He then illustrated how Jesus called His disciples to a life of deeper meaning, not just to fish, but to engage in activities that would change the world, for His glory.

In sharing this story, Pr Gustavo challenged the young people present to experience Jesus for themselves and to listen to God’s call to go beyond the conventions of this world to follow the same calling to change the world.

There were many opportunities over the weekend for attendees to respond to the invitation of Jesus just as the disciples did, from Pr Gustavo’s sermons to calls to prayer, spiritual talks, testimonies and a Bible trivia game.

One of the highlights of the weekend was the special music provided by the worship team along with the concert that was presented by the duo Primera Fe.

In addition to making new friends and meeting people from across the Conference, there were many other opportunities to have fun, especially on the field.  The highlight of Sunday was the futból match between participating church soccer teams in the FEJA Champions League.

If you’re looking to join next year’s fun with FEJA, the annual gathering that brings together youth from across the Gulf States Conference for spiritual growth and social engagement, look out for more information about the event, which is scheduled to be held in Panama City.

Photo Credit: Oakwood Latino Adventist Church