Pathfinder Clubs Bring World Pathfinder Day to Life with 'Go with Jesus' Theme

Published on September 16, 2023

Just as there are many different clubs, there are just as many ways to observe World Pathfinder Day. We were able to catch up with three clubs, including the Birmingham Highrisers, the Blue Angel Parkway SDA Pathfinders and the Decatur Defenders to learn how they experienced the day.

Birmingham First SDA Church 

Birmingham First SDA Church’s Highrisers Pathfinder Club brought the World Pathfinder Day theme of “Go with Jesus” to life on September 16, 2023.

To begin the day, the Pathfinders participated in the church service and had an Induction Service to welcome new Pathfinders and Master Guides.

The Highrisers were inspired during the church service, when guest speaker Mike Duman, stepson of Desmond Doss, presented the story of various champions of faith who are described in the Bible. He then continued by describing his stepfather, Desmond Doss, as a modern champion of faith.

Doss, a well-known conscientious objector and combat medic in the US Army, was also a Pathfinder in his youth, and he notably used his knot-tying skills to save many lives when he worked as a medic in World War II -- specifically on Hacksaw Ridge where his actions earned him his Congressional Medal of Honor.

Duman urged the Pathfinders to remember the story of Doss when they are tempted to back down, run or give in to cowardice. He encouraged the Highrisers to stand for Jesus when He needs them the most and Jesus will stand for them.

In the afternoon, the Highrisers continued by presenting music and encouraging readings, as well as an ice cream social to the residents of the AHEPA Senior Living Apartments.

According to Club Director Dena Golden, “Being united with Pathfinders around the world [for World Pathfinder Day] brings strength. Even if there may be times when a Pathfinder stands alone, as Desmond Doss did, the knowledge of being a part of something bigger brings strength and comfort.

Just as Desmond prayed, ‘Lord, help me save one more,’ this should be instilled in every Pathfinder’s mind as all around the world they are part of an army of youth standing up for Jesus as soldiers of the cross.”

Blue Angel Parkway SDA Church

On September 16, 2023, Blue Angel Parkway SDA Church of Pensacola, FL observed World Pathfinder Day for the first time by encouraging the church to camp out with the Pathfinders & Adventurer Clubs at Big Lagoon State Park. During this time, the Pathfinders held an Induction Service for their club and a haystack fellowship meal, followed by various Pathfinder & Adventurer classes, including the Star, Camping 1,2,3 and Basic First Aid Honors.

The attendees also participated in Bible-based skits, according to their Pathfinder levels, and shared them during the outdoor church service.
For the Pathfinders, taking part in World Pathfinder Day was a good reminder that although they're part of a local club they are also part of a  worldwide organization.

Decatur Defenders

The Decatur Defenders handed out 30 bags of homemade cookies to fellow campers at Monte Sano State on World Pathfinder Day.  Attached to the cookies was a small card explaining what Pathfinders is about. The Pathfinders camped over the weekend and worked on the Camping Skills honor and had an evening Induction Service. Many got to see a Pathfinder Club in action!