Teen Caving Invitational Brings Together Teens from Across the Gulf States Conference

Published on January 26, 2024

For over 20 years, teens within the Gulf States Conference have been gathering for the Teen Caving Invitational, which is a conference-wide event for teens (13–19 year olds). This year’s Teen Caving event, organized by Bob Hill and his team, with the support of the Gulf States Conference Youth Department, including Departmental Director Pr. Michel Rodriguez, took place on January 26-28, 2024.

Groups arrived from Hattiesburg, Jackson and Mississippi as a whole. Alabama was represented by groups from Huntsville, Gunthersville, Montgomery and other locations. Teens from Florida also arrived excitedly for an overnight Friday stay to be part of this adventure, which began at the Big Cove Christian Academy in Owens Cross Roads, AL. The group then gathered on Sabbath morning for Sabbath School and a worship time.

Pastor Marcelo Mansur, Young Adult Ministries director and Digital Church pastor, held a devotional for the teens with a focus on the cave explaining that in the cave, “there is a place to rest, but it's also a place to find strength because if God is with you there, He will strengthen you.”

After worship, the teens visited the Tumbling Rock Cave, which was a much-anticipated event. From there, they hiked for several hours in a beautiful and challenging terrain. To bring an end to a day of physical and spiritual journeying, they paused for a devotional and a return to the Academy.

The highlight of the day was seeing the teens come together to strengthen and support one another throughout the experience.

If you are a teen (13-19 years old) and would like to take part in this event next year, you are invited!

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